On Saturday members of the Cutchogue Fire Dept traveled to the Suffolk County Community College in Brentwood to attend the Annual Long Island Fire, Rescue and EMS Mega show.
The show hosted vendors from all over the country representing: manufacturers of fire trucks and ambulances; distributors of heavy rescue tools and communications equipment; companies displaying the latest trends and innovations in firefighter and EMS gear; and just about everything you could think of that would be important to the Fire, Rescue and EMS services.
Inside and outside the college arena, visitors could walk through more than 50 Fire, Rescue, and Ambulance vehicles on display and get an up close and personal look at the various options and equipment styles available.
On display at this years show was CFD's new Fire Police unit 8-5-15 that was built by Proliner last year. http://www.cutchoguefiredept.org/news/960/New-Fire-Police-Unit-Placed-in-service
It was a great day for learning what new equipment is available to help firefighters and EMS personnel protect their community and keep them safe while doing it. It also was great opportunity to build camaraderie among the CFD members and the members of the various departments they came in contact with while visiting the show. |