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This Date in History: February 15, 1928 - CFD's First Meeting Begins 97 years of Service to the Community
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February 15, 2025

Minutes of the First meeting of the Cutchogue Fire Department: (as printed in our 60th anniversary journal)

A meeting of Cutchogue Fire Department called by the Fire Commissioners to meet in the Cutchogue Fire House at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday evening, Feb. 15, 1928 was called to order by Fire Commissioner Lyndon G. Tuthill.

Fire Commissioner S. Edgar Tuthill was elected chairman and Ernest W. Morrell was elected secretary of the meeting.

A call for volunteers was made and the following persons responded and signed their names as charter members.

C.P. Hawkins, C.W. Horton, Fred W. Kaelin, Milton W. Folts, Wm. G. Cooper, John W. Morrell, Stephen Kaelin, John Ekster, Lyndon G. Tuthill, Wm. F. Kane, Allan Grathwohl, Tim Gagen, Wilfred Quail, Stanley G. Case, George W. Mohlfeld, Goldsmith Horton, G.C. Dickerson, S. Edgar Tuthill, R.H. King, W. Preston Tuthill, H.L. Fleet, Frank Doroski, Clark Tuthill, Donald F. Robinson, Albert W. Denzler, Oliver W. Case, Ernest W. Morrell, Irwin Beebe, Sherwood C. Beebe, Gerald Beebe, Hugh Drum, P. Jerome Burns, Corwin Grathwohl, George F. Grathwohl, Henry E. Case, Michael S. Hand, Albert Richmond, Clifford T. Case, Philip G. Horton, Frank H. Case, Raymond Majewski, Daniel V. Howell, Stynie Case, Wm. S. Midgley, Robert Pugsley, Linnaeus Allen, Wm. Fogarty, Howard B. Robinson, Edward Austin, Theodore O. Beebe, B.F. Tuthill, Harrison Case, R.P. Silleck, Raymond Cheshire.

Charles P. Hawkins was nominated Captain of the company.

A motion was made and seconded that where there was not more than one nominee, that the secretary cast one vote. This was carried.
Linnaeus Allen and George Mohlfeld were appointed tellers of election.
Tellers found one vote cast for C.P. Hawkins for Captain. He was declared elected.

Howard B. Robinson was nominated for Lieutenant. Tellers found one vote cast for Mr. Robinson and he was declared elected.
Goldsmith Horton was nominated for Treasurer. Tellers found one vote cast for Goldsmith Horton and he was declared elected.

E.W. Morrell was nominated for Secretary. Tellers found one vote for E.W. Morrell for secretary and he was declared elected.

The following were nominated for trustees:
Oliver W. Case for 1 year. M.S. Hand for 2 years.
Burnett F. Tuthill for 3 years.
Tellers found one vote cast for each of these nominees and they were declared elected.

E.W. Morrell was nominated for Chief Driver. Tellers found one vote cast for E.W. Morrell, Chief Driver, and he was declared elected.

The question of a name for the Company was then taken up, and suggestions were offered as follows:
Eureka # 1 - Geo. W. Mohlfeld
Cutchogue Chemical # 1 - Linneaus Allen
Protection Company # 1 - Lyndon G. Tuthill
Ever Ready Company # 1 - Frank Doroski
Ballots were passed and voting declared in order of the names chosen.

Tellers reported votes found as follows:
Cutchogue Chem. # 1 25 votes
Protection Co. #1 7 votes
Foamite Co. #1 7 votes
Ever Ready Co. # 1 5 votes
Eureka # 1 1 votes

The regular meeting night was made to be held on the first Friday evening of each month at 8 0'clock p.m.
A voluntary contribution was taken up among the members present and a sum of money amounting to $28.50 was collected and turned over to the Treasurer as company funds.

Chief Driver Morrell named the following men for drivers:
Curtis W. Horton
Theodore O. Beebe
W. Preston Tuthill

A By-law committee was appointed by the chair as follows:
Henry Fleet, Jr.
Henry E. Case
W. Preston Tuthill

Clam chowder was suggested to be furnished by the newly appointed officers.

It was regularly moved and seconded that a feed be furnished at the next meeting. This motion was carried.

Captain Hawkins informed the company that a demonstration would be given by the Foamite Company at 4 p.m. this coming Friday.

An invitation to participate in the annual firemen's parade at Greenport on Washington's birthday was accepted.

A motion was made and seconded to rescind the name CUTCHOGUE CHEMICAL COMPANY # I . Motion was carried. The naming of the company was deferred until the next meeting.

A motion was made to adjourn and carried. Minutes read and approved. Recorded by : E.W. Morrell, Secretary February 15, 1928

From the Fire Company’s humble beginnings, the members have always striven for professionalism, pride, and progression.

Beginning with one fire truck in 1928, and responding to 6 calls in its first year, the Department would grow to what it is today boasting a fleet of 9 state of the art, fire and rescue vehicles, 2 Rescue boats, and several utility / support vehicles.

CFD Volunteers responded to over 511 emergencies in the year 2024.

Throughout the Department’s 97 year history the men and women of the Cutchogue Fire Department have shown the true spirit of “Volunteering”.

The Volunteers of this Department continue to train, and dedicate countless hours to being prepared for any emergency they encounter, in order to provide the residents of Cutchogue and New Suffolk, with the best Emergency care possible 24 hours a day 365 days a year, and will continue to do so for many years to come.

Today we look back and thank the community for their continued support and dedication throughout the years.

We also thank all of those members who have come before us to volunteer and help build CFD into to what it is today.

Ironically, this afternoon, CFD members will once again participate in the Greenport FD Washington's Birthday Parade. This parade was one of the first official events that the newly formed Fire Company would participate in.

Units: Happy Birthday CFD - 97 years of dedicated service to the Community!
Attachment 1st minutes page 2.pdf  (461k)
Attachment 1st minutes page 3.pdf  (418k)
Attachment 1st minutes.pdf  (415k)

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Cutchogue Fire District
260 New Suffolk Rd.
Cutchogue, New York 11935

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