Last month the members of the Cutchogue Fire Department held their annual Department elections for the purposes of electing the Chief, and the two Assistant Chiefs that will lead the Department for the coming year.
Additionally, during the December meeting, the officers of United Fire Company No. 1 were elected by the membership.
The newly elected Chiefs and officers of the Fire Company officially took office Thursday night at the January meeting when they were sworn into office.
We would like to wish Chief William Brewer, 1st Assistant Chief Christian Voegel, 2nd Asst. Chief Christopher Dinizio, Captain Joseph Hinton and all of the officers of the United Fire Company No. 1, the best of luck in their positions in the coming year.
The officers and members would like to Congratulate newly re-elected Fire Commissioner David Blados who was re-elected to a 5 year term on the Board of Fire Commissioners after the public election in December.
2024 Officers are listed below:
Chief William Brewer First Assistant Chief - Christian Voegel Second Assistant Chief - Christopher Dinizio Department Secretary - Michael C. Boken
Company Captain – Jospeh Hinton Secretary – Tom Cybulski Treasurer- Timothy Horton Financial Secretary – Wil Voegel
Truck Officers:
8-5-1 : Lieutenant Charles Witczak, Chief Driver William Burns
8-5-2 : Lieutenant Bryan Zissel , Chief Driver James Burns
8-5-3 : Lieutenant Christian Figurniak, Chief Driver John Hinton Sr.
8-5-4 : Lieutenant Michael C. Boken., Chief Driver Allan Glover
8-5-5 : Lieutenant Richard Horton, Chief Driver Thomas Cooper
8-5-6 : Lieutenant Will Voegel, Chief Driver James Rocco
8-5-15: Lieutenant Arthur Brewer, Chief Driver Michael Finnican
8-5-16 : Lieutenant Thomas Behr, Chief Driver William Fannon
8-5-17 : Lieutenant Timothy Winters, Chief Driver Steve Braverman
Rescue Squad: Captain Ken Pearsall, Lieutenant Kenneth Burns
Water Rescue Team: Captain Frank Nicholson, Lieutenant Tom Robbins
Fire Police Squad: Captain Arthur Brewer, Lieutenant Michael Finnican
Trustees: Andre Cybulski, Steven Harned, Peter Zwerlien |